João Constâncio (vice president)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
João Constâncio is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Nova University of Lisbon (UNL), where he teaches since 1996. He earned his PhD there in 2005 with a dissertation on Plato. He is Head of the Philosophy Department and sub-director of Ifilnova (Instituto de Filosofia da Nova), where he has directed the Nietzsche Lisbon Group since 2009.
He is the author of Arte e niilismo: Nietzsche e o enigma do mundo (Lisboa, tinta-da-china, 2013); he has published many articles on Nietzsche, including ‘On Consciousness: Nietzsche’s Departure from Schopenhauer’, in Nietzsche-Studien 40 (2011); he has co-edited five books on Nietzsche: Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity (Berlin/ Boston, de gruyter, 2015) with Maria João Branco and Bartholomew Ryan; Nietzsche on Instinct and Language (Berlin/ Boston, de gruyter, 2011) and As the Spider Spins: Essays on Nietzsche’s Critique and Use of Language (Berlin/ Boston, de gruyter, 2012) with M. J. Branco; Sujeito, décadence e art: Nietzsche e a modernidade (Lisboa/ Rio de Janeiro, tinta-da-china, 2014) with Scarlett Marton and M. J. Branco; and, with Tom Bailey, Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics, the 2nd volume of the series, Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy (London, Bloomsbury, 2017).