Every two years the HyperNietzsche research group organizes a large international congress in one of the countries in which its members are doing their work.
The first Biennale Nietzscheana, entitled Nietzsche e as artes, has been held in Lisbon from the 15th to the 17th of November 2017, organized by Maria João Branco and João Constancio, with the collaboration of Paolo D’Iorio and Maria Cristina Fornari.
The second Biennale Nietzscheana, Nietzsche et la France, la France et Nietzsche, has been held in Paris from 6 to 9 November 2019, organised by Paolo D’Iorio with the collaboration of Alexandre Avril and David Simonin.
The third Biennale Nietzscheana, Natur und Ökonomie des „letzten Menschen“, has been held in Weimar from 26 to 28 November 2021, organised by Helmut Heit and Corinna Schubert.
The fourth Biennale Nietzscheana, Zarathustra, has been held in Lecce from 20 to 22 September 2023, organised by Maria Cristina Fornari.